Saving money and budgeting well for my family is something every parent should do. As a mom, I look for ways to save money on anything and everything I can. Below are some tips for saving money on childrens toys, beauty products, birthday cards, groceries & more!Mommy Money Saving Tip #1: Do your kids love rattles or just shaking things that make noise? Instead of spending more $$$ on toys, make a project with them! First, have your child draw a picture or help him/her draw if they're too young. Then take a paper towel roll after all of the paper has been removed & wrap the drawing around it. Seal one end with paper and secure it in place. Fill the roll about 1/3 of the way with rice. Seal the other end of the roll and tape it in place. Wrap the entire roll with clear tape to make sure the rice stays inside. Now you have a home made rattle that your kids helped make. My daughter loves hers and we've made a few more out of toilet paper rolls!Mommy Money Saving Tip #2: Virtually every mom has a smartphone these days & every mom can use a good deal!! Use these MacWorld apps (most are free!!) to find great deals & discounts on anything and everything you want to buy!!Mommy Money Saving Tip #3: How would you like to try beauty products before you buy them? For free? All you have to do is register at Free Beauty Samples, tell them your skin-type & where to send your samples. NO gimmicks or surveys, & you don't have to buy anything! You'll get free samples in the mail based on your answers along with saving offers and coupons!
Mommy Money Saving Tip #4: Instead of spending $3-5 on birthday cards, why not have your little one make it? Get card stock & fold it in half (vertical or horizontal... depends on the style you prefer). Then have your child draw on it and, if he or she can't write yet, guide their hand and help them write a message! When it's done, you can even get it laminated so it'll last. You can also make holiday cards or invitations. Just take the original to your local copy center & make as many as you need! Parents, grandparents, Godparents, aunts, uncles....they all ♥ getting things made by little ones & it makes it so much more meaningful!Mommy Money Saving Tip #4: Still have plastic Easter eggs around the house? If so, use them as snack containers. When you go out for the day with your kiddos, you always have to pack snacks. Why not put some cheerios or nuts in a plastic easter egg and toss it in your purse. It'll be handy and kids will love it! When they're done with their snack they have something to play with :)Mommy Money Saving Tip #5: Are you teaching your baby or toddler how to drink from a cup? This may seem weird but try teaching them with a shot glass. Yes, a shot glass! It's easier to handle and fits their little hands just as a regular glass fits an adult's. It's also made out of thicker glass, making it more difficult to break.Mommy Money Saving Tip #6: Do you throw away the scoop spoons that come in formula containers? Well don't! Save them and use them in your rice, oatmeal, rice cereal, flour or any other item that doesn't come with a scooper. You can also put it in your little one's play kitchen and they can use it as a mini pot. Another use is to put it in their mini pool or sand box for these warm summer days while they play outside!Mommy Money Saving Tip #7: Do you have tons of burp cloths left over and no longer need them? I do and so do lots of other moms I know...even some with tags still on them that I never used. Why not use them as wash cloths? They're the perfect size and they're soft so they're perfect for use in the tub for little ones or adults!Mommy Money Saving Tip #8: Do you do a lot of your shopping online? If so, why not earn cash back for your online purchases? Before you go to your favorite online store, go to Ebates & they'll redirect you! On Ebates, you get cash back at any of 1,200 stores any time you start your shopping trip at Ebates.com. There are no points to redeem, no forms to mail in & no fees. Stores pay Ebates a sales commission for sending shoppers their way & Ebates uses the commission to pay you cash back. All they need is an email address so they can notify you when your cash back has been credited. To date, our members have already earned more than $55,000,000 and I earned over $100 last year!Mommy Money Saving Tip #9: Are your kids' crayons & markers all over the house? Do toy parts get lost & then the toy is useless? Why not use those large empty wipes containers as storage bins? They're the perfect size for markers, crayons, chalk, toy parts, etc. They're also easy for your toddler to open. For more of a personal touch, give your child a permanent marker (with supervision of course!) and let them decorate their box.Mommy Money Saving Tip #10: Do your groceries end up all over the back of your SUV or trunk of your car by the time you get home? Solution = put a yoga mat down & place your groceries & packages on top of it to keep things from sliding around. You'll get home with all of your items in tact and hopefully still in the bag =)
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