Are you a stay at home mom looking to make some extra spending money? Is money tight because of a recent decrease in pay? Regardless of your situation, if you're looking for a way to make quick money online, then online writing is a great way to do it. All you need is basic knowledge of the English language and grammar rules and a general interest in writing. If you enjoy writing, then you're already a step ahead of the game. There are numerous online freelance writing websites that pay you to write articles for them. Some of these websites publish the articles on their own site (such as Associated Content) while others have clients that need the articles for their websites (such as Textbroker and Demand Studios). These types of websites have clients such as eHow, Livestrong, WebMd, etc. They require articles on many different topics and people like you and me write those articles for them.... for a small fee. This is how you make $$$. All you need to do is go to the online writing website and apply. Applying is easy. On most sites, all you need is a short bio of yourself, background information regarding your expertise, hobbies and topic knowledge. You will also need a PayPal account since this is the most common form of payment. Here are some of the websites I currently write for and have been making a good chunk of spending money on the side.
Textbroker is a marketplace for unique and exclusive written articles created to specifications posted by clients. They offer many options for writing such as a quick snippet for a website, a well-researched essay or a sharp press release. For authors, Textbroker is a great way to earn money by doing what you love. You don't have to be a professional writer to complete articles, however, the better you write, the more you can earn. Textbroker editors rate your articles from 2 to 5. Available assignments are classified by rating level and the higher the rating, the more you'll get paid to write it. If you've been rated a 4 writer, you can claim assignments at level 2, 3 or 4. If you're only rated a 2, you're only able to write assignments rated at level 2. Therefore, if you're a better writer than most and rated a 4 or 5, you'll have access to more assignments. After signing up with Textbroker, you can access their list of assignments. You choose the article you want to write on topics such as Health, Automobiles, Children, Home, Beauty and Education. Once you claim an article, you begin doing research & get started. A deadline is posted on the assignment page varying from 1-4 days, on average, so you have plenty of time to write your article. If you're already knowledgeable on the topic, you can skip the research and go straight to writing, adding researched information after your initial article has been started. Once you complete the article, you submit it and wait for acceptance. After a client accepts it, Textbroker rates your article and the client rates your article as well. You will then get paid by Textbroker. They deposit payment into your Textbroker account and, when you accumulate more than $10, you can get a "pay off" and the money is sent to your Paypal account. It's that easy!! Sign up by visiting Textbroker and going to the authors section today.
Associated Content is different from Textbroker in that it doesn't have "clients" that are buying your articles from them at a percentage of the cost. Associated Content is its own database website allowing anyone to share their voice, passion and expertise with the world while getting paid for it. More than five years later, with a library of over 2 million pieces of content and a community of over 300,000 Contributors, Associated Content is the media company built for writers and powered by writers. Associated Content allows you to create original content in the form of written articles, videos, images or audio on the topic of your choice. You earn money each time the article is viewed. Associated Content also offers freelance writing opportunities. They offer assignments you can claim either for Performance Pay (pays according to how many times the article is viewed) or Up Front Payment (pays a flat fee for writing the article & also pays per view). A new feature that is offered by Associated Content is their Featured Contributor program. If you have an expertise in an area, apply to their program in the area of your choice and get exclusive rights to articles on that topic. Associated Content pays you within 1-2 days of accepting an article and deposits the money directly into your Paypal account. Performance payments are paid monthly. View my profile on Associated Content under Ellie Perico.
Demand Studios is one of the web's biggest and fastest growing online media companies. Clients include Livestrong.com, eHow.com, Garden Guides, Golf Link, Trails.com and Answerbag.com. When you publish articles through them, your writing is seen by millions on the web since it's published on popular, high profile sites. Demand Studios is also the largest provider of video content for YouTube. Of all three companies, Demand Studios is the most difficult to be accepted on since it employs experienced and highly qualified writers, including filmmakers and copy editors. Demand Studios creators are professionals with years of experience at major media publications. Our creators have won Emmy, Peabody, and Sundance Film Festival awards, among many others. On Demand Studios, writers can choose the article they want to write by Format (About, How To, Checklist, List, etc), Price ($1 - $30) or Category (Animals, Entertainment, Health and Fitness, Travel, etc.). After researching your topic, you can begin to write your article. At Demand Studios, it is required that you use AP style and cite sources. It's a much more formal and professional freelance website, therefore, requires more work and experience. Considering the sites your work is published on, though, and how much visibility your writing gets, it's worth it. After the article is approved, it's published and you get paid! At Demand Studios, writers are paid twice a week.
So, whether you have a lot of time on your hands and are looking for a way to make some money at home or you have a full time job and just enjoy writing, online freelance writing is worth a try.
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