Tuesday, April 5, 2011

BabyWise: The Cliff Note Version

As a new mom, a good friend and great mom recommended the book BabyWise to me. Having seen how well her two boys turned out, I never doubted the book and began reading it immediately. I wanted my husband and care takers to follow the BabyWise
routine as well, however, I knew they wouldn't read the book. So, I decided to type up an abridged version for them from the notes I took while reading the book! I will post it on the blog in several segments, the first one being below. Enjoy and, buy the book if you can. It's an excellent parent tool for both parents and kids!

e of Contents
(1) The Babywise Routine
-Guidelines for
Feeding Time
-Guidelines for WakeTime
-Guidelines for Nap Time
(2) Sleep Patterns
(3) 3 Rules for Baby to Wake Up Happy

3 components:
(1) Feeding &
Diaper Change Time
-At least 15 - 30 minutes of continuous eating (not snacking) followed by adiaper change every 21/2 to 3 hrs up to 8 weeks of age & ending up every3-4 hours between 2 months to 1 year.
(2) Wake Time
-Immediately after eating, keep baby awake as long as possible (30-90 min)
(3) Sleep Time
-Put her down for a nap until the next feeding is due

Guidelines for Feeding:

-Weeks 1 to 8
Feed baby every 3-4 hours from the beginning of each feeding except atnight. Average 7 to 8 feedings (not snacks) every 24 hour period. Ifshe sleeps longer than 5 hours though, wake her up to prevent her from missinga feeding in the day.

-Weeks 8 to 15
Feed baby every 3-4 hours for 7 to 8 feedings a day & drop the late nightfeeding. This may mean feeding every 2 hrs or less starting at
6pm to get enough feedings throughoutthe day. By week 12 to 15, most babies can go 3-4 hours between feedings,so, by week 15 you may be at 5 to 7feedings per day.

Week 16 to 24
Baby maintains 4 to 6 liquid feedings per day with 3 of them (breakfast, lunch& dinner) also supplemented with baby food.
-By Baby's 16 to 24th week, you will introduce solids & continue with 4-6liquid feedings per day. If you're breastfeeding, you may need to add more tomaintain milk supply.
-By Baby's 24th week, her main mealtimes should be lined up with the rest ofthe family. Liquid (2-4) feedings should be spread throughout the day &given just before solid food meals
-As you begin introducing solids, you're not adding feeding periods, justadditional foods. Breastmilk or formula should be given or offered before eachsolid meal. Breastfeeding moms must maintain a minimum of 4 - 6 feeding periodsa day to maintain milk supply.

Week 25 to 1 year
Baby should be at 3 meals a day with the rest of the family. If still breastfeeding,add 1 - 3 more liquid feedings a day before or in between meals.
-By Baby's 25th week up to 1 year, she should continue to eat throughout theday with 4 to 5 nursing periods before each meal throughout the day.

Guidelines for Wake Time:

-Wake time should be 30 - 90 minutes, depending on the baby & earlier naptimes or duration of feeding.
-Wake time can be you with the baby or when the baby remains awake but alone.Examples of wake time with the baby are singing or reading to her, bathing,walking, or playing with her. Examples of wake time for her on her own areputting her in the crib to follow the mobile, in her swing to play & watchthe toys dangle, laying her on her floor gym face up to reach for the toysabove her (helps w/ hand-eye coordination), in a bouncer or playpen or inher infant seat to look around & follow mom & dad's movement around thehouse.
-An important part of wake time is "Tummy Time". Babies need tummytime to strengthen their neck muscles since their heads grow so quickly in thefirst months. Put your baby down on a playmat for tummy time several times aday for a few minutes at a time. She should get a total of about 30 minutes oftummy a day. Make sure she's near or next to you at all times during tummy timeto prevent choking or suffocating.
-Avoid watching tv while holding the baby or turn her away from it. Althoughshemay seem facinated, it will put her brain into overload. The rapid changinglight patterns from scene to scene & the change in volume will heighten hertension. She's not able to neurologically handle such rapid light and soundchanges.

Guidelines for Sleep/Nap Time:

-Nap time should be 1 to 2 1/2 hours when she eats every 3-4 hours a day. Ifbaby isn't napping well, cut back on wake time because they may be overstimulated. Fatigued or over stimulated babies become hyper alert, fighting offsleep through crying.
-Some crying is normal when putting her down for a nap or sleep time. It willeventually dissipate. Crying for 15-20 minutes at first is normal & willnot emotionally or psychologically harm her.The
American Academy ofPediatricsrecognizes several periods of crying as a natural part of ababy's day.

Sleep Patterns:

-Newborns: If feedings are kept routine & constant, nap times willtoo. When there are too many changes in her daily routine, this will affect hernap/sleep time as well. Naps should be 1 to 2 1/2 hours long. Nighttimesleep should be no longer than 5 hours to give her adequate nutrition &calories to grow. This will also help mom sustain adequate milk production bynot going to long without nursing.
-Babies 2 months: By this time, she should be dropping her night timefeeding & sleep 7 to 8 hours a night.
-Babies 3 to 5 months: By this time, there will only be
4 to 6 feedings a day & she should besleeping 10 to 12 hours a night. By 5 months, the 3rd nap time may be dropped.This means Wake times & other nap times will last longer.
-Babies 6 to 16 months: By 6 months, she should drop her late afternoon/eveningnap, leaving only 2 nap times during the day. One in the morning and one atnight lasting 1 1/2 to 2 hours long.
-Babies 16 months and up: By this time, she should be sleeping 10 to 12 hours anight & taking only one nap in the afternoon for 2 to 3 hours.

3 Rules for Baby to Wake up Happy:

-You highly influence your baby's wake up disposition:
(1) Mom, not baby, decides when nap starts
(2) Mom, not baby, decides when nap ends
(3) If she wakes up cranky or crying, its because she hasn't had sufficientsleep, has a dirty diaper, loud noises, getting sick or is uncomfortable insleeping position.
-When babies fall asleep they transition from active sleep to relaxed sleep in30-45 minutes. During active sleep they may stir, fuss, cry or make noises. Donot pick her up or attempt to console her unless she cries for an extendedperiod of time (longer than 30 minutes). Babies need to become accustomed toyour schedule for them in order for them to eventually adhere to it.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What do you do if your baby is waking up like clock work at 4am every morning and then all the sudden it's 3am one morning? Do you wait it out until 4 or attend to them at 3?
