Monday, August 19, 2019

Quinoa Burrito Bowl

Perfect simple snack, lunch or dinner! 
Black beans
Ground beef, turkey or chicken
Grilled onions
Grilled peppers

21 Day Fix  = 1 red 1 yellow 1 green

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Top 5 Health Benefits of Dairy

So lately dairy has been getting a bad rap for some reason! And unjustifiably so because, not only is it loaded with nutrients that HELP your body, it’s an excellent source of protein.

Last month, I attended an educational event hosted by Real California Milk, where we discussed the current perception of dairy and why it’s actually an essential part of a balanced diet. Lately I’ve read stories that blame dairy for causing acne, inflammation, congestion and a slew of other issues. This tends to happen when a particular diet becomes popular, such as Whole 30 or Paleo, encouraging the elimination of entire foods and food groups.

Sadly the information that gets shared around, particularly on social media, sometimes lack proper research & can be very misleading. And in this instance, those that are abstaining from dairy because of the health issues it’s accused of causing are missing out on nutrients, healthy fats, protein and not to forget flavor that they can’t get from any other food!

Dairy is not only good for the obvious, strong bones & teeth, it also provides benefits in other areas such as digestion & heart health.

Let’s look at the top 5 benefits of dairy & the sources we can consume to reap these benefits! Then you tell me if dairy is something that should make up your meals & snacks daily

The probiotics in dairy support healthy gut, metabolic function and have also been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease & type 2 diabetes.

Antioxidants and Phytochemicals
Antioxidants help support a healthy immune system & fight oxidative stress. Phytochemicals help reduce inflammation, support optimal metabolism & promote healthy blood vessels. Pair dairy with vegetables & herbs/spices (such as turmeric) and you’ll boost both immune and anti-inflammatory benefits & add flavor to your foods as well.

An integral part of our diet, and dairy foods are great source of high quality protein. The protein in nutrient-rich dairy products doesn’t just improve energy, it also helps build lean muscle and keep you full between meals, incorporated into plant-based and/or vegetarian diets.

Calcium and other Vitamins & Nutrients
We all remember being told as a child to have our milk for strong bones & muscles, but we’re rarely reminded of the other important nutrients dairy provides. Dairy also provides essential nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B12, and riboflavin1.

So, now that you know dairy is NOT the bad guy, why not try implementing new sources of it into your meals and snacks? Below are some of my favorite ways to consume dairy.

Did you know that California is the number one dairy state in the country? California dairy farmers believe in responsibly produced, nutritious dairy foods that nourish people and foster a sustainable future, making our state an excellent source for quality, sustainable dairy foods. My favorite sources of California dairy are yogurt, full fat cheeses, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream & labne. There are so many ways to incorporate these clean sources of dairy into your diet & I’ll be sharing recipes & creative yet simple ways of doing that soon!

If you have any questions, need serving suggestions or nutritional info or recipes, reach out! Comment below or send me an email ( or a message on IG @fitcopmom / @fit_fluential_mom) and I’d be happy to help.

*This post is sponsored by Real California Milk, but all opinions are my own.