Happiness is being off thyroid meds for a year after drs SWORE I'd be on them forever
After reading about side effects of the meds, which include:
hot flashes,
changes in appetite, weight & menstrual cycles,
with no relief whatsoever, I decided to take my health into my own hands & find a holistic way. I experienced most of those "common side effects" & it did NOT make sense to take a pill that CAUSED that! Those were worse than the symptoms of hypothyroid/hashimotos before getting on meds 20 yrs ago
So, w/ an approach solely based on nutrition & fitness, I changed my diet, added a few things I read up on, changed macros & w/in a few months, I was feeling great! At the same time, I also stopped taking all thyroid meds prescribed to me
Needless to say, I was nervous when I was due for my first blood test to check levels after that but I couldn't wait to see results .
Well, I can't say I was surprised when, for the first time EVER, all 3 (TSH, T3 & T4) were NORMAL RANGE! My dr couldn't believe it & neither could I because for over 20 yrs, I dealt w/ constant changes in prescriptions that never solved the problems
My hashimotos lead to irregular periods, infertility, anxiety, depression, puffy face, hair loss, weight gain, memory lapses, constipation, dry skin & so much more. I was tired of getting NO relief from those symptoms &, to top it off, more negative side effects from meds
This is now my 3rd blood test checking thyroid levels that came back NORMAL RANGE across the board! At almost 43, I now have more energy, regular monthly menstrual cycles, a healthy digestive system, improved skin, tons of energy, controlled weight & look/feel 10x better than I did in my 20s & 30s
So, if you're battling the same, don't give up. If you need help, reach out. I would never tell ANYONE to get off meds prescribed by their doctor, that was my own choice, but changes you make can have a positive impact on you that you may feel better even while on your meds. Then you & your dr can determine your best path
So, email (ellieperico@aol.com), send me a message on FB (Ellie Perico) or text me (818-632-6969) and let me help YOU get off those meds and feel better too!
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